Friday, November 1, 2013

18 weeks
How far along: 18 weeks
Cravings: Buffalo sauce! On everything! And I've been having it!
Baby bump: Weight gain = 6 pounds and you can see it!
Mood: Energized!
Looking forward to: helping plan a gender reveal party! We won't know the gender until the party!
Missing: Still wine. Fancy date night at Capital grill was much cheaper/less romantic without wine. We did get a free dessert for celebrating our 17 week anniversary!
Best moment: Having work friends over, fancy date night, Halloween. Our friend's kids bday party was a blast too!
Baby purchases: We got a donated high chair ;) My compression hose came in. I ordered a new cover for our second hand/non-expired carseat. Parenting books!
Movement: Not sure yet! I try to be still and listen/feel. Trying.
Rings on/off: on.
Belly button in/out: in

1 comment:

  1. So happy for you both! Getting a little excited about being able to "feel" the Nugget moving soon!!
